Thursday, October 23, 2008


Everyone's ridden one. Everyone loves them. It's the commuting vehicle of choice, but very few people actual realize just how important tricycle choice is. When you're at the tricycle store, with Joe the Tricycle Repairman/Salesman, Joe's gonna wanna try and give you the most expensive, least valuable tricycle he's got, because he just had a crazy night with Joe Six-Pack and Joe the Plumber watching SPORTS and has a bit of a hangover.

You have to know how to inspect each and every tricycle you see for pedal quality, wheel ratio, and stability. If you're buying used, I warn you, feel the tires for warmth. If Joe is trying to screw you, it will feel a little warm. This probably means that he took it out for a spin before to warm it up, because there's something wrong with it, like a cracked head.

While buying custom tricycles are best, not everyone has the dedication to keep up with tricycle maintenance to keep it in tippity-top shape, so here is a list of some you should keep an eye on.

Radio Flyer Classic Tricycle. A good fall back, with strong base bars, and a good frame. Small resistance, although the pedal radius is a bit small. A nice red sheen for all you hot rodders out there, eh, Cooper?
Sesame Street Push Trike. Do not be deceived by the paint job on this bike. Elmo is really cool. I mean really cool. But your eyes are so distracted by the beauty of it that you don't notice the blatant wind resistance bar in the back. You won't get a point over 45 MPH with that in the way.

Big Wheel. The obvious destroyer of all competition. Laid back seat position for maximum luxury. Yellow and black highlights to let the other motherfuckers on the road know that you're the shit. The official back to front wheel ratio has been calculated by experts to be an exact 1:2.213. Max speed is 72 MPH. And you'll feel good.
By observing the reference picture, you'll notice that the child in the image is the coolest kid on his block. In fact, he can't even comprehend how cool he is, and how awesome the big wheel is. Notice the clenched teeth? His head's about to explode from the awesome that is the big wheel.

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