Saturday, January 31, 2009

I love the 90s! Part I

Being a junior in high school, I don't find myself often turning to Cartoon Network for my television entertainment. However, whenever I am flipping through the channels and Courage the Cowardly Dog is on, I watch. Although this show scared the bejesus out of me when I was a kid, I have grown to have a deep appreciation for the show. If you are unaware of the plot behind the show, maybe I should start with this...

We interrupt this program to bring you... the Courage the Cowardly Dog show, starring Courage the Cowardly Dog! Abandoned as a pup, he was found by Muriel, who lives in the middle of Nowhere with her husband, Eustace Bagge. But creepy stuff happens in Nowhere... it's up to Courage to save his new home!

My love for the show starts with the animation of the show. For example, the screams in the show are priceless. Courage's flailing arms and hole ridden teeth make my day. Another reason to love this show, is because you each episode has two mini episodes. Courage saves the day TWICE, every show. Then of course there are the villeins... like honestly where else can you see a fusia dog fight EGGPLANTS? Villeins include: Katz, Le Quack, The Snowman (aka S'man [??]), Freaky Fred (who has a compulsion to shave everyone's heads), and The Chicken from Outer Space (who sucks off people's heads with a plunger). Each villein is truely unique and convicingly evil.

Time and time again, i fall for Courage, his cowardice, and determination.

Courage: The things I do for love!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just Dance?

Tomorrow night, 150 teenagers will endure a typical yet sometimes painful experience. I of course speak of the school dance. You pay 15 bucks to gain entry into the exclusive scene that is DJ'd by "DJ Gary" (his real DJ name...sweet). What you see is many things. Awkward freshman guys huddled in one corner of the dance floor talking and sort of rocking their bodies side to side. Then we have the sophomore girls who drank 2 shots of vodka before the event and are out of their mind, jumping across the dance floor and screaming when the song "Buy You A Drank" by T-Pain comes on. Then you have the juniors who don't really want to be there, but truly had nothing better to do, and sit at the tables and make jokes about the underclassmen. The seniors do not come, except for the ones who organize the event, bring a couple of friends, and dance pretty weirdly on the dance floor. On this night, one will hear more Billboard Top 100 songs than one would want to, including six Rihanna songs, four T-Pain, DJ Gary's attempt top mix "Love Lockdown" with a catchy techno beat to make it danceable, and of course the infamous "Last Dance". I am not sure if it is possible to make this night anymore corny than it already is. But there is always hope. You always pray for that teacher who might decide to bust a move on the dance floor, their prime already past, and make a complete fool out of themself. Or perhaps the freshman guy, thinking that he is in highschool and fucking amazing, trying to spit some game on some sophomore girls, only to get shutdown and feel pain he has never felt in his life. These are moment that observers such as myself cherish forever. For me, the Winter Formal will be about watching. I will put my semi formal wear on, but not for nothing. School dances are memories I will hold forever, with laughs and moments that I will never get over. Ever.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Bring Back Straight to DVD Disney Movies!!!

What the hell. When I look back onto my childhood, I just think, "how would I have gotten by without random Casper or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movies?" My childhood was so defined by these movies, whether I was on a 5 hour car trip, or waiting for my dad to finish up at work, I knew that a sick episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was awaiting me. Without straight to video movies, who knows where I would be. I am personally insulted by Disney's move to take away sequels to classic movies, such as Cinderella and Snow White. What are the kids going to watch? Without these movies, there is nothing. Disney movies were depended on by most parents to keep their child entertained while they did whatever they had to do. I know I'm not raising my child on High School Musical. I need a movie that is so shitty, that it will have no influence on them. I want my child to hate movies so much by the time he or she hits 5, that instead of staying up and watching T.V., they will hit the books. I realized that at a young age, I was so used to lying on my couch and watching $1.99 movies (and we had a lot), I kept the habit by watching Wayans Brothers and Friends by the age of 12. But god damn, I can't have my kid watching any of the crap thats on T.V. today, so what is a person to do? If Disney brought back the sequels and prequels, my kid would be chilling with "The Little Mermaid: Ariels Begingings". If my child watches good television, such as Made, Lost, and Room Raiders, I'm dealing with a college drop out.

Conclusion: Disney movies raise graduation rates. Tell Barack.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Warning: New Cult Forming

Well, its not so new. The craziness that is "Lost" is sweeping over America like a epidemic. Every high schooler and their mother is watching this show, and all I ask is...why? After watching the first couple of episodes, I was convinced I was watching the stupidest show ever. Polar bears on a tropical island, smoke that eats people, and other bullshit that seems to pop up on that show just doesn't phase me. Maybe I have the wrong attitude. Maybe I need to open my mind up to the possibilities. I understand that to many this show is good, but I could never imagine myself obsessing over this show. I just don't understand...


I don't need that.

I like to think I watch pretty practical TV. Obviously nothing on TV is practical, but I watch shows that don't make Lord of the Rings look normal. I'm down with "House" and "The Office". Those are the only two shows I watch, besides the occasional "Colbert Report" at 2am. I really have tried watching "Lost", but I just can't sit down without thinking "what am I doing here?" But "Lost" has made me think, what would happen if I survived a plane crash. Obviously that's a miracle, and if I survived, there's no way anyone else would. It's a plane crash. Numbers of people don't just survive those. But anyway, what would I bring? The necessities.

1. A woman. If I'm on an island for the rest of my life, I'm gonna need to start a little family, perhaps a whole new civilization. But wait a second. How would she survive the plane crash? How do 20 people survive a plane crash? It escapes me.

2. Metal detector. If I'm living on the beach, I'm looking for some valuables. I figure on an island where polar bears roam free, I can find a pearl necklace.

3. Time travel device. Oh wait, nevermind. The island somehow is alive, and skips time for me. Thanks, island.

4. Season one of "Flight of the Conchords". If I were to be killed by human eating smoke, I'd want to go to "You're So Beautiful"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Michelle Obama: Fashion Icon? or Fashion SHM-icon?

Now I am by no means a political person, but today I felt proud to be an american (woo freedom fries) when I watched the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States. But something had been puzzleing me since the night of the election... what was Michelle wearing and why was she suddenly worshiped as a fashion icon? To me, I do not see the difference in Michelle's public dress than oh say Laura Bush's. A first lady is meant to be polished and classy. But does Michelle's choice of dress make her a Fashion ICON? I think that's stretching it a bit folks.
As I listened to the news reports today I was shocked to see her compared to Jackie Kennedy. JACKIE KENNEDY? No, just no. DID YOU SEE Michelle's ALL GOLD ensemble today? Clearly we are not seeing the same thing. I don't care if the designer is some independent non American chick from new york who shares part of my name. The dress is not cute and until you get some better fashion advice you will be no Jackie Kennedy in my book. Sorry Michelle.


This kid blows my fucking mind. His words are magical. This is a child with insight that cannot be given by any pundit, anchorman, or expert. Some call youtube user Pruane2Forever (anyone with a username like that is the man) God's son. I just like to think of him as an enlightened fellow. Although his following is short in numbers, they surely are not short in love. Many came to his defense when comments were made regarding his beauty, voice, or citizenship. Some said "get a life", others said "get laid", but he kept going. He kept believing. For that, I admire him.

Pruane2Forever, who holds such wisdom and love, made me think. How much do people love Obama? Do people think he is going to save the world? Many people view his time as a time of change, as well as a new path for America. How much can one man do though? Its not George Bush who got us into this whole economic crisis, but fuck, he helped. So as we walk into a time change and hope, we must also realize that he is only one man, and that it takes more than the president to change the country. It starts with everyone doing their part. Barack Obama isn't going to save the world by himself.

Pruane2Forever is a mentor today. His love for Obama and his hatred for "that old piece of shit McCain and that bitch Palin" really hit home. Hopefully, by sharing his message of peace and love to you all, his words will enter your heart similar to the way they entered mine.

i would do zach condon.

It's true, folks. Zach Condon is the sexiest trumpet-ukulele-accordion player of all time. Lead singer of the band "Beirut", Zach first tried the ukulele out when he realized that his wrist injury would prevent him from reaching around the neck of a guitar (that's right, straight off of Embrace it. Wikipedia is your friend.) But seriously, this guy's voice will redefine orgasm for you. If I were a guy, I'd go gay for this man. No but seriously. Zach dropped out of high school at 16, adding to the "leather jacket-i-still-live-in-my-mom's-basement-but-can-still-bring-sexy-back" sexyness. Furthering his cool, he studied Portuguese and photography when he returned to college.

This guy's lyrics and song titles revolve, for the most part, around some kind of foreign country or language sorta thing, which would make sense since he traveled so much as a teenager (Nantes being in France, Italy being...Italy, Gulag Orkestar not being in English, etc).
With a couple of shows coming up in New York, an album coming out this February of 09, and a more recent album ("Gulag Orkestar") already released, I suggest you get on that shit.
If this hasn't convinced you that this guy is musical and brilliance, I'm sure a couple of downloads will. Ch-ch-ch-check it.

Beirut- Elephant Gun
Beirut- Nantes
Beirut- Postcards from Italy
Beirut- The Gulag Orkestar
Beirut- After the Curtain

hope you guys agree, cause i'm not quite down for losing faith in the human race.
have a lovely night.
the dizmaisquids/get that tricycle team.

Friday, January 2, 2009

we care.

and this is your proof.
here's a decent soundtrack for all you party-goers (compliments of Brett Allen, be sure to get the correct remix) and a notification that we're alive. have a great night, kids.

1. santogold- LES Artists (graham zilla remix)
2. santogold- Get It Up (Radioclit mix ft. MIA & Gorilla Zoe)
3. santogold LES Artists (Left/Right Remix)
4. estelle- American boy (danger remix)
5. foals- hummer(passions remix)
6. klaxons- golden skans (sebastiAn version 1.2.0 remix)
7. mgmt- electric feel (justice remix)
8. digital mystikz- haunted
9. geeneus- you know me
10. mia- paper planes (LAZRtag Remix)
11. bloc party- banquet (boys Noize remix)
12. bloc party- hunting for witches (crystal castles remix)
13. electro rockerz- electro rockerz- beyonce & shakira- beautiful liar (electro rockers remix)
14. kanye west- love lockdown (clockwork remix)
15. mia- bucky done gone tenzin remix
16. mstrkrft- wolfmother- woman